Would that help your network marketing business? I think so, don't you?
First things first:
A) Who is your target Market?
1) Business Builders
a) People who already buy or use your product or service, or one
just like it
( ie Network Marketers, or future existing customer base)
b) People looking to start a home based business (Biz opportunity
c) People actively seeking info about your specific
opportunity( looking for successful team, system, etc)
2) Product Customers
a) People who already are buying or using a related product or
b) People with a problem who are looking for a solution
c) People looking for your specific product by name
B) Bring People into Your Pipeline Marketing System
(Build your core asset - Lists that includes all that do NOT buy
or sign up...
this is 90% of all 1st time visits to your ads...do not waste
these leads)
a) Start to Advertise to (1) one of the target markets above,
first, then you can grow later ( Free or Paid)
b) Capture Name and Email of visitors to your ad. (Your Own
Capture Page is Mandatory)
c) Educate, and build a relationship (Need an Autoresponder to
automate , and send broadcast Emails)
d) Retail a product or service related to your target niche (Test
low cost items, info products to build trust)
e) Backend/MLM Promo (Upgrade size of sale, course, MLM product,
autoship etc)
f) Residual Income (This is the extra cash, your primary
business opportunity)
Trying to email individually will bury you the more successful
you get. Trying to start out recruiting to your MLM directly will
likely frustrate you, and probably NOT be profitable for a long time
You will notice I never mentioned advertizing your business
directly. This is all about marketing you.
You will waste your time and money sending traffic
directly to your company provided website.......
You might get an accidental customer or request for info,
but you have no idea who actually goes to the site, or how many,
well you get the idea, right...
Think of your business as "YOU, INC", with your MLM as just a
single part of "YOU, inc"
MYTH #1: You have to be a computer expert.
Not so, there are some basic skills but they are all learnable.
Can you type, and use a word editor?
If so, there are lots of free tools to get you started.
Just like you , I started out 5 years ago trying to do exactly
what my MLM uplines taught. Call my warm market, list everybody i know, pound the phones with lists, buy leads, geneaology lists, etc etc.
But in my heart I knew I wanted to build my business on line with
todays technolgy, and most MLM companies do NOT teach how to do that.
I hope this helps you in your thinking about your MLM ( Network
MARKETING). The name says it all
Its about "networking" and "marketing" YOU!
Let me know how I can help with any of the specifics, each step
is really pretty simple
See an example below of a campaign I did recently. If you go to
Google and search on keyword [mailing list] you will find a
sponsored ad similar to this or just go directly to the link
in the signature below.
No Mailing List Response?
www.follow4more.info Get the Secrets of Building Your Own
Responsive Mailing List Free
You can follow the steps there, there is NO cost so you can test
it to see the flow
Leo Hanes
4 Simple Steps To Build Your Own List of "Hungry" Subscribers
... Even If You Don't Have Your Own Product
And...Get Paid To Do It!...All Within 30 Days or Less!