For anyone new to online business, finding those website visitors, and customers can be extremely difficult .
Do you really want to spend hours upon hours of frustration caused by trying everything you can imagine to get traffic flowing into your site, because you are really not sure what you should be doing
Ross Goldberg's, Traffic Manifesto has been created to take away that needless research and trial and error. You have the opportunity to avoid the months that it took me to figure all of these methods out too.
Find Out Why Leo Hanes Recommends Traffic Manifesto Here Now!
Don't be fooled! Not even Ross can give you every method of generating traffic.
The 50 tactics and methods included here all work, but only you can find that elusive group of potential customers that are hiding out in your niche.
Do your own research, look closely and carefully to uncover those groups and you will increase your income every time.
Finally, this is a book I keep on my desk to refer to constantly, when I am researching a new niche, testing conversions, trouble shooting a campaign, or just can't recall how I should be doing something today again.
I recommend you check it out today, before the price rises again.
Hope your business is going well
Leo Hanes
Make sure you check out Traffic Manifesto today
Friday, November 16, 2007
You Must Have Traffic & Customers before Your Business Dies
Monday, October 22, 2007
Learn How To Create Your Own MLM Lead Generation System
You are just like a lot of network marketers… you have a dream, you want more for yourself and your family, and you truly believe in the concepts of network marketing, and MLM lead generation, but you just are not making enough money again this month.
You have tried everything you have been taught, and you are thinking you just need to make more calls, work even harder, coddle every warm breathing body by being available for them at all times, just do more of what you have been taught you think, and surely you will get better at your MLM lead generation soon…….
Sorry, but I disagree!
Here is reality – Read it here
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Traffic Generation - Planning to Get Web Site Traffic - Part I
You are facing these 3 main challenges in your online business right now!
- How to make money online
- How to build a list
- How to get traffic
All you need to get going and start making money right away is an idea, an affiliate program or two, and maybe a product or a website. Right?
First, change your thinking…fast! It's time to focus on the right priority or you will be filled with anxiety every month, wondering if you have enough cash to cover your advertising expenses, never mind the value of your time.
Second, start planning! You need to plan how to:
- Generate QUALITY traffic
- Build a list FAST
- Create PROFITS online
It's only when you have a written checklist that includes activities to cover all three of these steps weekly do you have the beginning of the plan. Without the first step, getting QUALITY traffic, the other two really don't matter. So, avoid those offers of cheap traffic we all get and start implementing a schedule of weekly activity to generate quality web site traffic.
Third, learn how to get the four best sources of free quality traffic generation. I learned about these four sources from my mentor and now you can too! Learn how you can build traffic too through:
Article Marketing: You can write articles of interest and real value to your target audience that include a link to your web site by submitting your articles to various article directories. It takes no cash, just time.
Joint Ventures: You can develop relationships with other marketers by sending their offer to your list and asking them to send your offer to their list…but first, you need a list. I can help!
Press Releases: You can write announcements about your newest product, e-book, or marketing venture and submit it to a variety of press release distributors. It's not so much advertising as it is an announcement first and foremost…but first you need something to announce - use your imagination.
Search Engine Optimization (SEO): Don't sweat bullets about SEO. You can learn the basics of sales copywriting. Simply, focus on creating web page content for eyeballs and you will learn to place your keywords strategically to satisfy the search engines. Then, create links to your web pages from other quality sites such as e-article sites. You need your own website contact information capture page, plain and simple, if you want to generate quality web site traffic from links.
Don't continue to jump on every new bandwagon that comes along every few days. Until you get a written plan and weekly checklist for web site traffic generation, you are limiting your possibilities to create profits online.
Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to creating profits online successfully: "How to Breath Life into Your On-Line Business"
- Download it here free: Learn the Art of Creating Profits OnLine
Saturday, August 18, 2007
How to Create Opt-in Email Lists from Your WebSite Traffic Fast
I get asked over and over again why it is necessary to have an opt-in email list to make money online? You probably have asked that question yourself.
After all, you really are just starting out, and you really need to get some sales quick, so you just grabbed a few affiliate products and started driving traffic to them as much as you could, right? How is that working for you?
Not so good, after all - having trouble getting stats, PPC traffic is too expensive for you, free traffic is not buying much if anything - so what do you do?
What are the problems of not having an opt-in list?
- Affiliate program owner gets all the names
- You have no easy way to follow up even if they share the buyers names with you
- Most ad visitors do not buy, at least on first visit
- Cannot generate enough traffic to make enough sales
So what do you do? Learn how to capture your visitors contact information the first time they visit.
1) Get an auto responder account - I use and recommend Aweber.
2) Create a squeeze page - sole purpose is to collect contact info
3) Create a series of valuable content emails for your email campaign
4) Add in affiliate products or your own products to your email campaign
Your sole purpose with this strategy is to collect contact information from your site visitors, build a trust relationship, and eventually profit from them at a greater rate than if you had sent them directly to your own sales or affiliate sales page directly.
Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new e-book guide to successfully creating profits online called - "How to Breath Life into Your On-Line Business" - Download it here: Learn the Art of Creating Profits Online Free
Saturday, July 28, 2007
Starting Your Own Internet Marketing Business Online - Find A True Mentor
Are you the type of go-getter that jumps right into any new project? You say, just give it to you, and you will get it done!
Everybody admires that kind of entrepreneurial spirit - just go for it you say!
Its Saturday Morning 0800 - the first day in your new venture as a part time internet marketer - you have decided you are going to get some of that internet money everybody's been talking about - why one gal you used to work with is making over $ 5000 a month after only six months, she said.
You are being smart, you are keeping your job until you get up and running, so you plan to work 10 - 20 hours , evenings and weekends until you start making enough money, you know you have to do the work first.
All you need is a good website, get that traffic flowing and start selling that great new idea that you have had for a while now…you know everybody in your sports club will just die to get their hands on it fast.
You are excited! You are finally on your own, and got your business juices flowing.
Before you get ahead of yourself again, take just 2 seconds to read the short excerpt from another article that follows in the next two paragraphs:
"If you want to start, expand and/or promote any type of business you must learn the art of breathing profits into your online business, right now! Discover how huge the impact of creating profits from your business will be to you!
Step 1: Do Your Own Research & Find a True Mentor
You must not skip this important step, take some time and research online who is working in your specific area of interest." ….
NOW READ IT AGAIN! Just 2 more seconds.
OK , now breath deeply! Learn how to find yourself an internet marketing mentor fast, if you do not already have one before you do anything else today.
If you will just listen to just this one piece of advice you will start creating profits from your online business long before you start feeling the anxiety of being in business alone, wondering where all the money went, if you don't.
You just do not know what you do not know today!
Are you just getting started online, or trying to jump start your profits online again? - Get Help Starting Your Own On-Line Business in 2007
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Why Bother Starting Your Own OnLine Web Site
Your Online Business will fail within 12 months if You Continue to Ignore Your Real Why! - Discover Your Why Here Now
Thursday, July 19, 2007
Online Mentor - Find An Online Mentor Willing To Answer your Online Business Getting Started Questions.
Are you frustrating your self with too much information about starting an online business? Don't know what to start next?Are you stumbling from idea to idea, losing your focus, and forgetting why you wanted to start your own online business anyway?
Stop right now, and find yourself an online mentor!
What is a mentor?
Wikipedia says that mentorship refers to a developmental relationship between a more experienced mentor and a less experienced partner referred to as a mentee or protégé, a person guided and protected by a more prominent person.
So an online mentor is somebody with more experience online than you, willing to enter an agreement to help you to develop yourself online.
First, why would somebody want to help you start your online business?
There are two types of mentors: Paid and free. The first type is obvious, there is a financial gain for the mentor, usually through a membership or coaching program fee structure. The second is less obvious, but equally significant, there are benefits to helping others gain experience, providing future opportunities for joint ventures, and at least referrals to others. It’s a form of networking as well.
Second, what does each person get out of it anyway?
The protégé gets the benefit of the mentors experience to expedite the learning curve, remain focused, and avoid making the mistakes from learning by trial and error. The mentor gets the benefits from developing relationships that may or may not provide future partnerships in the online business world - networking!
Third, what will be expected of each other? The relationship is based on trust and open communication on a regular ongoing agreed upon basis. The protégé must be willing to follow the steps outlined by the mentor, and not be distracted by all the get rich quick plans that will be in their face to try out. The mentor must be willing to listen for the unasked questions, and also listen to the real questions being asked of them.
Do you want to learn more about how I try to help others do it? I have just recently completed my brand new e-book guide to successfully creating profits online, it touches on the importance of mentoring as well: "How to Breath Life into Your On-Line Business".
Are you just getting started online, or trying to jump start your profits online again? Download it free here: Getting Help Starting Your Own On-Line Business in 2007
Friday, May 04, 2007
Traffic Building - Discover Your Free Web Site Traffic Generator
Are you like a lot of internet marketers, you feel like your web site is not supporting itself, it is always looking to you for a new supply of cash to get it through another month.
You have got to that point where you can no longer justify your support payments to
Google, or other PPC engines to generate web site traffic. It is simply costing you more than it should, and its draining your potential of creating profits online.
Yet you know that without serious web site traffic it is impossible to build a list, or to sell anything,,,,
So what are you going to do now?Its time to research, and learn how to create your own free web site traffic generator, and to implement it fast.
One of the most common mistakes new and veteran internet marketers alike continue to make is simply failing to take immediate massive action and implement their new knowledge or tool.
They did their own research, learned the core principles, yet they did not take the most important final step for some reason. The only thing I can offer as an explanation is "fear of success", sounds bizarre but take a look in the mirror, what is really stopping you from taking massive action, and implementing your new knowledge.
There are only 3 core principles you must learn in order to succeed in internet marketing: Traffic Generation, List Building, and Sales Copy Writing, but without
first generating traffic, neither list building or sales copy writing really matter either.
1) Direct Referred Traffic is the highest quality traffic you can generate and includes visitors :
- from another site,
- from a sales letter you may have sent them
- from reading an article you posted online.
These are the most highly qualified leads, assuming the source of the referral accurately depicted the nature of your site. (i.e. an article about dog training that sends visitor to a site about pet training will not convert, it must be about dog training)
2) Search engine referrals is the next highest quality traffic source.
You can use article writing to position yourself as an expert in your niche, and create high ranking positions your related website pages
For example, if your site ranks within the top 10 or 20 web sites for a particular search term, and the visitor clicks on your site after searching for a particular keyword or phrase in a search engine. This is search engine referrals, sometimes called organic search traffic,. (i.e. the visitor was looking for your type of information specifically)
Free web site traffic is initially very labor intensive but the investment of yourself in these two primary areas will bring you the success online you are striving for. This is where the massive action must take place…….do the work!
In summary, discover how article writing will become your free web site traffic generator creating profits online for you by generating more qualified visitors to your web site, not necessarily huge volumes of traffic to your web site.
These two traffic sources will generate the most qualified visitor to your web site, which tends to be most profitable, and requires less volume because they will convert to sales more readily.
What you want is more profitable sales, not just more traffic to your web site!
You can learn more about creating profits online, click here now Creating Profits On-Line
Do you want to learn about more about how article writing can become your free web site traffic generator? Click Here: Is More Web Site Traffic Really Profitable?
Leo Hanes is an experienced full time internet marketer, who has written a number of articles on the principles of web site traffic and creating profits online.
Saturday, April 07, 2007
Traffic Building - Site Promotion or Custom Lead Generation
What is the difference between Web Site Promotion and Custom Lead Generation?
Site Promotion: is an internet marketing term that refers to the activity of publicizing the vendor's web site to consumers.(i.e. advertising)
Lead Generation: is a marketing term that refers to the manufacture of connections between well-matched consumers and target corporate vendors.
Custom Lead Generation: is an internet marketing term that refers to producing specific types of visitors to your web site yourself from specific publicity about your web site offer.
In layman's terms that simply means communicating with, and attracting a qualified visitor to your web site, willing to provide you with their contact information, and have a need for your specific offer today, and are potentially going to purchase today, and again in the future.
What is a custom lead?
Somebody you have communicated with
Somebody attracted to your specific offer
Somebody willing to provide you their contact information
Somebody that wants your product, solution, or opportunity
Somebody that has bought your product, solution, opportunity or a competition's
Somebody that is capable of making purchases immediately, and in the future
Site promotion therefore is just telling everybody about your web site, hoping they will visit sometime (i.e. branding for example)
Custom lead generation is a very specific process that results first in the capture of a specifically defined somebody's contact information, and finally with multiple repeat sales transactions with them.
So if you intentionally will start off to generate custom leads instead of promoting your web site, your methods of advertising, communicating, requesting information, making your offer, asking for their order, and after sales communicating will all automatically change for the best for you.
Custom leads are generated for the sole purpose of creating profits online for your business, and one of the best methods of generating your own custom leads is through article marketing. You are writing articles to communicate with somebody that is already interested in your niche market that you publish the article in.
After reading your article, and if they like your style, and your offer they are very willing to give you their contact information when they get to your capture page on your web site. Since you are targeting somebody who has already demonstrated they are capable of buying, have bought similar items, or want your offer they will sign up, and buy in much higher numbers that visitors from site promotion.
For example: Somebody that is wearing tattered old shoes may very well need to buy new shoes, so you think they are a prime target for your exciting new shoe offer. The reality is the best custom lead is somebody who is already wearing shiny new shoes, with a few rather new looking shoes in their closet already.
The first person may need to buy your new shoes, but do not, they are obviously still wearing the tattered old ones you seen, waiting for that perfect pair to go on sale. (i.e. opportunity seekers)
The second person has already demonstrated that they are willing, are capable of buying, and want to buy new shoes. They will buy your new shoes if your shoe offer is communicated in a way that attracts them today, and they will buy again in the future - they are shoe buyers. ( i.e. entrepreneurs, investors, buyers)
The Difference is Custom Lead Generation Will Result in Creating Profits On-Line for You Faster than Site Promotion!
Are you interested in learning more about creating profits online, if so click here now: The Art of Creating Profits On-Line
Do you want to know more about how to become your own web site traffic and custom lead generator?
Click Here: Are More Leads Really Profitable?
Discover more how you can start generating your own custom leads fast, check it out here now: Generate Your Own Custom Leads and Profits On-Line
Leo Hanes is an experienced full time internet marketer, who has written a number of articles on the principles of custom lead generation and creating profits online.
Friday, March 16, 2007
The Art of Creating Profits OnLine
- A New EBook -
I have just finished writing a new manual that focuses on the
principles of creating profits online, rather than the tactics or
The difference is this:
1) Principles are the "why something works"
2) Tactics or techniques are the "how something works"
Principles of creating profits never change, whereas tactics and
techniques are constantly changing like the current fads touted
everyday online.
Enter: "The Art of Creating Profits On-Line"
Follow these principles, and you will soon change from thinking about
making money online to actually creating profits on line.
There will be a huge difference in your business!
Leo Hanes
Hanes Enterprises
850-266-7903 CST
"The Art of Creating Profits On-Line"
Saturday, March 03, 2007
Make Money from Website - How You Can Learn to Make Money from Your Very First Website
To make money from your Website is critical in the highly competitive internet marketing space that is exploding around us today, and is imperative that you learn how to make money fast from your very first website.
As you begin to make money from website online quickly, that alone will encourage you to continue do the hard work necessary to catapult you ahead of the competition you will surely encounter in any online market you choose.
Here is what you need to do to get started to make money from your website:
Step 1: Do Your Own Research & Find a True Mentor to help you Make Money from Website:
You must not skip this important step, take some time upfront and research online who is successful in your specific area of interest.
Select a few online article writers, whose style you are comfortable with, seek out somebody who has demonstrated success in your areas of interest.
Contact them, often you will find someone more than willing to help you.
Step 2: Learn the 3 Core Principles Needed to Make Money From Your website
Study the different traffic generating, list building, and sales copy writing methods that successful marketers are utilizing routinely.
Again follow a few different online marketers that specialize in these core areas. Learn from their work, study what they are doing, pick a model to emulate. Do not waste time re-inventing the wheel/
Step 3: Take Immediate Massive Action and Apply Your Knowledge & Tools to Make Money from Website. not wait to perfect your site, traffic generating, list building, or writing skills.
Stay focused on your mentor model, do not look for magic quick fixes.
Do the work, do more work, and apply your learned skills quickly, you will be better than most of your competition, simply because you are taking action to make money from website strategy.
Here is a quick recap:
- Do not fall for any get rich quick schemes, beware of them, there are no shortcuts online.
- In the online marketing world, just like offline, it is paramount that you do the research, learn from others, and implement your knowledge and skills in order to create profits online.
- There are many real people just like you that make money from website online.
Do you want to learn more about how to make money from your website fast? Click here: Make Money From Website
Leo Hanes is an experienced full time internet marketer, who has written a number of articles on the topic of how to make money from website strategy.
Sunday, February 25, 2007
On-Line Profits Training - Learn How Online Profits Training Will Boost Your Cash Flow
QUESTION: What are Profits? Everybody knows what profit means, right?
Well so we think anyway, so let's begin with the definition of profit from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia:
- "Profit, from Latin meaning "to make progress", is defined in two different ways."
- "(Pure) economic profit is a positive return made on an investment by an individual or by business operations after all costs, including a normal return to
capital and returns to risk, are accounted for."
- "Accounting profit is the difference between retail sales price and the costs of manufacture.
Then there is other such other terms as net profit, gross profit, net profit after tax, operating profit, and on and on.
ANSWER: Profit simply is "to make progress", and most often is measured by monetary growth, sometimes called "the bottom line"
There are almost as many ways "to make progress" through online profits training as there are online business expenses, but primarily you must sell something of value that will build a profitable customer base for your business.
Online Profits Training - Here are the basic steps.
1) - Research - Determine your target market, and provide a product or service solution they want, and are already buying (Study & Find a Mentor)
2) - Advertise - Bring people into your marketing system on a regular consistent basis at a positive return on investment (Traffic Generation)
3) - Capture - Collect contact information about your visitors, Email and Name at the minimum (List Building)
4) - Educate - Follow-up with your prospective customers, and build a relationship of trust and respect (Automate Follow-up)
5) - Retail - Front-end a low cost item to your target market list to defray advertising expenses at least, but it is critical to exceed their expectations (Market Yourself - Sales Copy Writing)
6) - Upgrade - Backend retail sales increase in size over time by offering multiple buying opportunities to your existing customer base (Market Yourself - Sales Copywriting)
7) - Now Repeat -Steps 1 - 6 multiple times ( Online Profits Training progress to profits)
You will however soon come to realize that "building a relationship" will be the key element, because it is only after that relationship is established that you will begin to make progress and sell anything seriously for the first time.
The profit goal (to make progress) is to get to the seventh step, which is where the online profits training pays off with multiple online profit streams.
Is List Building Really Working For You? Do you want to learn more about online profits training? Click Here: On-Line Profits Training
Leo Hanes is an experienced full time internet marketer, who has written a number of articles on the topic of online profits training .
Thursday, January 25, 2007
Quickly Create Profits OnLine
If you want to start, expand and/or promote any type of business you MUST LEARN the art of Breathing Profits Into Your Online Business, Right Now!
Leo Hanes, and the associates of Hanes Enterprises are committed to the privilege of mentoring and helping people learn to create their own profitable online business.
This website shares resources that are used successfully in our day to day business efforts to assist us in building our online business.
You are welcome to try them, and let us know how they work for you!
Discover how huge the impact on creating profits for your business these will be to you!
Post Your Comments and Reviews Today!
All the best creating profits from you online business
Leo Hanes
850 266 7903 CST
The 3 Steps We Follow to Create OnLine Profits
Sunday, January 07, 2007
Powerful List Building Strategies
Hi Fellow Marketer,
Discover How You Could Become a Highly Successful, Respected & Powerful Database List Owner!
Learn How to Build and Optimize Your Lists Here
The goal here is to help YOU...
As a fellow marketer I was just sick of the hype and high priced products and seminars that don't teach anything new and make things out of reach for common hard working folks. is very different as I hope you've now seen and you can join and learn how to start building or improve on your own high quality mailing list right now.
Learn How to Build and Optimize Your Lists Here
Leo Hanes
850 266 7903 CST
Ideal Trends
How to Improve Your Cash Flow if You Need To!