Are you the type of go-getter that jumps right into any new project? You say, just give it to you, and you will get it done!
Everybody admires that kind of entrepreneurial spirit - just go for it you say!
Its Saturday Morning 0800 - the first day in your new venture as a part time internet marketer - you have decided you are going to get some of that internet money everybody's been talking about - why one gal you used to work with is making over $ 5000 a month after only six months, she said.
You are being smart, you are keeping your job until you get up and running, so you plan to work 10 - 20 hours , evenings and weekends until you start making enough money, you know you have to do the work first.
All you need is a good website, get that traffic flowing and start selling that great new idea that you have had for a while now…you know everybody in your sports club will just die to get their hands on it fast.
You are excited! You are finally on your own, and got your business juices flowing.
Before you get ahead of yourself again, take just 2 seconds to read the short excerpt from another article that follows in the next two paragraphs:
"If you want to start, expand and/or promote any type of business you must learn the art of breathing profits into your online business, right now! Discover how huge the impact of creating profits from your business will be to you!
Step 1: Do Your Own Research & Find a True Mentor
You must not skip this important step, take some time and research online who is working in your specific area of interest." ….
NOW READ IT AGAIN! Just 2 more seconds.
OK , now breath deeply! Learn how to find yourself an internet marketing mentor fast, if you do not already have one before you do anything else today.
If you will just listen to just this one piece of advice you will start creating profits from your online business long before you start feeling the anxiety of being in business alone, wondering where all the money went, if you don't.
You just do not know what you do not know today!
Are you just getting started online, or trying to jump start your profits online again? - Get Help Starting Your Own On-Line Business in 2007
Saturday, July 28, 2007
Starting Your Own Internet Marketing Business Online - Find A True Mentor
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Why Bother Starting Your Own OnLine Web Site
Your Online Business will fail within 12 months if You Continue to Ignore Your Real Why! - Discover Your Why Here Now
Thursday, July 19, 2007
Online Mentor - Find An Online Mentor Willing To Answer your Online Business Getting Started Questions.
Are you frustrating your self with too much information about starting an online business? Don't know what to start next?Are you stumbling from idea to idea, losing your focus, and forgetting why you wanted to start your own online business anyway?
Stop right now, and find yourself an online mentor!
What is a mentor?
Wikipedia says that mentorship refers to a developmental relationship between a more experienced mentor and a less experienced partner referred to as a mentee or protégé, a person guided and protected by a more prominent person.
So an online mentor is somebody with more experience online than you, willing to enter an agreement to help you to develop yourself online.
First, why would somebody want to help you start your online business?
There are two types of mentors: Paid and free. The first type is obvious, there is a financial gain for the mentor, usually through a membership or coaching program fee structure. The second is less obvious, but equally significant, there are benefits to helping others gain experience, providing future opportunities for joint ventures, and at least referrals to others. It’s a form of networking as well.
Second, what does each person get out of it anyway?
The protégé gets the benefit of the mentors experience to expedite the learning curve, remain focused, and avoid making the mistakes from learning by trial and error. The mentor gets the benefits from developing relationships that may or may not provide future partnerships in the online business world - networking!
Third, what will be expected of each other? The relationship is based on trust and open communication on a regular ongoing agreed upon basis. The protégé must be willing to follow the steps outlined by the mentor, and not be distracted by all the get rich quick plans that will be in their face to try out. The mentor must be willing to listen for the unasked questions, and also listen to the real questions being asked of them.
Do you want to learn more about how I try to help others do it? I have just recently completed my brand new e-book guide to successfully creating profits online, it touches on the importance of mentoring as well: "How to Breath Life into Your On-Line Business".
Are you just getting started online, or trying to jump start your profits online again? Download it free here: Getting Help Starting Your Own On-Line Business in 2007